Monday, June 27, 2016

Conspiracy and Theories

Today while I was working someone came in with interesting ideas, I do not know if some or any of it is true but I am just going to say It is quite interesting. He told me that Hitler was a good guy and that America was the bad guy. He told me that Roosevelt set up Pearl Harbor to be attacked and that the government created 9:11 for more security. He also said that the holocaust never existed and that there were no gas chambers. I originally thought his ideas were kind of far out and completely wrong. What do you think, What conspiracies do you believe in?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Getting Over Being Sick

So I have sadly been ill for quite a while and I am planning on continuing this blog. There is one issue though, I will need to post earlier in the day and not late at night. I will continue with random thoughts as I started to before and they will be frequent but they will be there earlier. At some point I am still planning on the latenighters.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Time Travel?

Okay, I'm still thinking of the T.V show known as The Flash, you should check it out. So I was thinking, if time travel is possible what would it be used for. Okay I will start like this, If you time travel to the past and you kill yourself in the past, would you disappear or become some type of time remanence like in the show? Or, if you change something big in the past, would you know that you changed that once you go back or would you be that changed version of yourself? Last but not least, If time travel existed what would people use this new ability for?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


So, I have been watching The Flash recently and many things have been going through my head about multiple dimensions. Just the thought of a dimension(or multiple), of every single scenario that has happened in your life, it is huge. In one you could be best friends with Donald Trump in another Donald Trump may not of even existed. I guess the saying has to change from "there is an app for that" to "there is a dimension for that" because there are infinite possibilities of what may be in each dimension as there are infinite dimensions. Too bad we can't choose one dimension over the other. Think about that and goodnight.